pp108 : Modifying the Business Process Management Service Properties

Modifying the Business Process Management Service Properties

This topic describes the procedure to modify the Business Process Management Service properties.

Before you begin this task:
Create the Business Process Management Service Container.

You may modify the properties of the Business Process Management Service container if you want to enable business logging, create a connector for the admin database, process engine database, data transformation, scheduler and to query process instance data.

  1. Open the Business Process Management Service Container Properties AppPalette.
  2. On the Properties - Business Process Management AppPalette, click the Business Process Management tab. The default view of the Admin Database tab appears. The Process Engine and Scheduler and Query Process Instance Data tabs also appear.
  3. Modify details as necessary in the following tab views:
    1. Admin Database tab view.
    2. Process Engine tab view.
    3. DataTransformation tab view.
    4. Scheduler tab view.
    5. Rule Repository tab view.
    6. Binary Parser tab view.
  4. Click .
  5. Right-click the Business Process Management Service and select Restart. The Business Process Management Service is restarted.

You have successfully modified the properties of the Business Process Management Service.

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